Fees Yes, you can afford MVEP services! Our basic fee structure for standard programs may be used as guide for our custom and training programs. You must contact Kent Goff for a specific quote for your program however. See below for ideas on potentially where to get funds for hiring us. Fees effective for programs booked after Jan. 1 2000 1 hour MVEP program - $125.00 Half-day (4 hours) MVEP program - $350.00 Full day (8 hours) MVEP program - $600.00 The above fees do not include travel expenses from eastern Arkansas at 32.5 cents per mile, meals, or lodging. Kent Goff will provide you an exact estimate of travel costs. Program expenses for special materials or equipment may also be charged. Plan on providing an overnight hotel stay (or other arrangements) for programs held more than 3 hours drive from MVEP staff residences. NOTE! - Payment is due upon completion of services. A 1% interest fee per month will apply for all accounts more than 30 days past due. Any event cancelled within 10 days of the planned performance is subject to a 10% cancellation fee and actual expenses. Events planned based upon grant expectations are exempt if the cancellation is due to the grant being unavailable. Funding Humanities Grants The National Endowment for the Humanities and the state humanities councils have grant programs applicable for living history programs and workshops. The performing arts councils are also another source. Grant writing workshops and other help is available from these sources for teachers and community groups. For Arkansas customers, please contact Program Officer, Arkansas Humanities Council, 10816 Executive Center Drive, Suite 310, Little Rock, AR 72211 or phone (501) 221-0091. Department of Arkansas Heritage Grants The Department of Arkansas Heritage offers grants for projects that promote awareness and enjoyment of the state's heritage. Applicants must apply one dollar of matching funds for every three grant dollars, but the match may be in volunteer time and in-kind contributions. Applications are due every year in late January (1999 - 22 January). to request an application, or for more information, write Jim Walsmith, Department of Arkansas Heritage, 1500 tower building, 323 Center Street, Little Rock, AR 72201, or call him at (501) 324-915- or send an email message to info@dah.state.ar.us
The Arkansas Community Foundation gives grants from it Bridge Fund Program for teaching Arkansas history and programs in Arkansas History for libraries, schools, museums, and local and state historical societies. Grants applications are due by March 15 each year. More information and grant applications may be obtained from Karen Potts at the: Arkansas Community Foundation 700 S. Rock Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 (505) 372-1116 or 1-888-220-2723 email arcf@arcf.org Other Grant Sources: The American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts in your area often have educational grant programs. Local businesses often have a giving/grant budget for local programs, contact your local chamber of commerce for leads. Don't forget large corporations in your community, for example, State Farm Insurance Company has educational grant programs available as well, and has funded living history educational programs in the past. Check with your local agent. Or check out the "Good Neighbor Award" or the State farm Foundation at http://www3.statefarm.com/foundati/found.htm FACT (the Federation of American Consumers and Travelers) has grant programs available from $100 to $4000 for teachers to use in the classroom and other community programs. The programs are called the Classroom Grant Program and the "Visions to Ventures" Community Grant Programs. Any member of FACT can nominate a teacher or community project. Call 1-800-USA-FACT for more information or visit their web site at www.fact-org.org Fundraising The only fund raising scheme that we have run across that appears to be safe for students, with low overhead and high return, is the Jog-A-Thon program, contact James B. Hurley at 310 Linda Drive, Clinton, MS 39056 or call at (601) 924-3190, or fax to (601) 922-9108. MVEP does not endorse or receive any consideration from Jog-A-Thon, but we have included it as a possible option. |